Our Supporters

Former Participant of CAC Level C
Damien de Pyle
"This course only further weakens our Army’s capabilities and hurts our reputation as a country who supposedly upholds human rights. While I understand the need for a course like this, the way this course is being run goes completely against its own objectives by traumatising soldiers. The ReformCAC campaign and its policies will bring a stop to these horrific practices and I’m proud to support it."

Former Participant of RTI Course
Evan Donaldson
"I hope that what we've gone through will stop it happening to other people and that the wider public can see what their country is doing to their heroes."

Former Participant and Medical Officer of RTI Course
Dr Steven Scully
"There is no evidence-based benefit in delivering this heinous form of training, and the deleterious health outcomes for participants is completely unstudied, nor justified on any level. Conduct After Capture training needs to immediately cease in its current format, until an evidence basis can be proven on a benefit vs harm equation."
Federal Political Party
Victorian Socialists
"Subjecting Australian soldiers to torture – in the form of the ‘Conduct After Capture’ course – is part of instilling the level of brutality required for imperial war. It’s appalling that Australia hasn’t outlawed the so-called Five Techniques – internationally recognised torture methods including stress positions, hooding, sleep deprivation, subjection to noise, and deprivation of food and water. We support the efforts of ReformCAC to win compensation and an apology for the brutality dished out by the Australian Army during these courses, as well as to reform the content of any such courses and to outlaw the ‘Five Techniques’ as torture." - Jerome Small, President
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