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The Conduct After Capture Course breaches human rights, inflicts torture, and facilitates sexual assault. It needs reform and I want you to help me make this a reality.
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Discovering Truth
Welcome to my website. This site is here to help have more discussions on different topics around Religion, Philosophy, Politics, and Psychology. I pride myself on Intellectual Honesty and I hope that we can engage in that discursive praxis.

Damien dP
Sep 12, 20235 min read
Why I am voting No to the Voice Referendum
The Voice referendum seeks to establish a body in the constitution to represent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people for the...
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Damien dP
May 13, 202310 min read
Arguing for the Hylomorphic Nature of the Mind - PPS
The nature of the mind is best described by hylomorphism as opposed to idealism, substance dualism, and materialism. I will argue this...
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Damien dP
Apr 1, 20239 min read
The Failings of Heideggerian Metaphysics - PPS
Heidegger passage I was responding to: ‘What is the earth, that it reaches the unconcealed in just this manner? The stone presses...
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Damien dP
Apr 1, 20235 min read
Anselm's Ontological Argument - PPS
Exposition Anselm’s ontological argument attempts to prove God’s existence from a priori knowledge. This means that once a person knows...
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Damien dP
Mar 6, 202310 min read
The Aesthetics of Space: The Agora and the Acropolis - PPS
(Part of the Philosophy Papers series) The history of the importance of space in aesthetics is a relatively new concept. Throughout most...
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Damien dP
Jan 12, 20238 min read
Greek Art and Psychoanalysis - PPS
(Part of the Philosophy Papers Series) Word Association Worksheet At the beginning of my presentation, I presented the audience with a...
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Damien dP
Nov 14, 20222 min read
The 'Philosophy' Paper series - Year 2
Hello everyone, The end of my second year of studies is coming to a close and as per last year I will be releasing my academic...
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Damien dP
Aug 7, 20223 min read
The Debate Around God's Existence Needs a Reset
The debate around God's existence is not really a debate about the topic at all. Debates on God's existence are always shrouded in...
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Damien dP
Jul 10, 202232 min read
Everything the Bible actually says about Salvation
This article was originally written in May 2019 as a response to my Dad who had sent me the following challenge, “By just reading the...
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Damien dP
May 31, 20222 min read
Reflections on the Visitation and Our Lady, Queen of Heaven.
Our Lady, greeted as our Queen Mother by St Elizabeth, the most pure ark of the New Covenant, was so humble in heart that she did not...
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Damien dP
Apr 5, 20228 min read
Is the warrior spirit dead?
Jaded. This seems to be a familiar feeling of many soldiers in the Australian Army. However, I think this goes beyond just not feeling...
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Damien dP
Apr 4, 20227 min read
Global Poverty and our Obligations as Middle-class Aussies
Part of the Philosophy Papers series Middle-class Australians are morally required to collectively distribute surplus property to...
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Damien dP
Mar 21, 20225 min read
Martha Nussbaum on Objective Virtues: An analysis
Part of the Philosophy Papers series Nussbaum, in her publication, ‘Non-Relative Virtues: An Aristotelian Approach’ (1988), discusses how...
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Damien dP
Mar 7, 20224 min read
Plato’s Euthyphro: The Piety Argument Analysed
Part of the Philosophy Papers series In Plato’s Euthyphro, Socrates discusses with Euthyphro the nature of piety and impiety. Euthyphro...
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Damien dP
Feb 21, 20227 min read
Is free will an illusion? Some original arguments
Part of the Philosophy Papers series Free will is not an illusion. An illusion is something that appears to exist but does not exist in...
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Damien dP
Feb 7, 20225 min read
Nichomachean Ethics: Aristotle on Souls
Part of the Philosophy Papers series Aristotle, in his Nicomachean Ethics, discusses the purpose of human actions and which actions...
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Damien dP
Jan 24, 20224 min read
Personal Identity: A review of John Perry's work
Part of the Philosophy Papers series The issue being dealt with in John Perry’s book, 'A Dialogue on Personal Identity and Immortality'...
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Damien dP
Jan 10, 20224 min read
Lucretius on the fear of death
Part of the Philosophy Papers series Lucretius views death as nothing and that the fear of death is unreasonable. To defend this...
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Damien dP
Dec 27, 20219 min read
Transhumanism: Will our current human nature be a mere phase?
Part of the Philosophy Papers series Our current understanding of human nature will be a mere phase to future generations for three main...
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Damien dP
Dec 13, 20218 min read
Are the goals of Justice and Liberty eventually reconcilable?
Part of the Philosophy Papers series The goals of justice and liberty are ultimately irreconcilable. These goals are ultimately...
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